07 Mar 2005

The Motorcycle Diaries and a thought experiment...

Most people don't end up following through on their ambitious plans and dreams. Why not?

I just watched the movie Motorcycle Diaries the other day, and it really made me think about a lot of things about life in general. So this movie is generally about two guys that travel across South America for no real reason other than to see it. If you want a more legit plot summary click here.

The movie had really beautiful panoramic views of South America, and it really made you feel free. Like you could just drop everything too and head out on your own grand adventure. Take some chances, and see what you get. See things that you don’t expect, and be forever changed. I know, I know, probably a bit too idealistic, but honestly why not? It occurred to me while I was thinking about how attached I was to the coat I lost this weekend, that I was really attached to my life too, in general: the place I live in, the people I interact with, how things are, what I do. It represents the familiar and the comfortable. I guess there was a time not long ago, even this place was unfamiliar and basically that sucked… at first. The whole having to get used to a new area and meeting new people, but once you get used to it, you can’t imagine not being here. That how it always is. Everybody seems to hate their first semester in college. You miss your high school friends and your home etc. Then look at the same people in their senior year of it. They are all depressed that they are going to graduate, and have to move on. Most people (I know, not everybody) is like this.

In all fairness, older people have families and responsibilities so they can’t just get up and go explore a continent, but I think a lot of people could go and do something like that, but they are afraid. They think they have all of these responsibilities and everything, but they really don’t. I mean, it would just require me to quit my job and go. I would have to finish out my lease and whatever other financial commitments I had, but so many of those bills would go away if I didn’t live here. I mean you wouldn’t have to pay for gas, if you weren’t here to drive your car, etc. So really, think about it, what would it really take for you to just get up and go. Try it, even if you aren’t planning to get up and go, it might be an interesting thought experiment.

I bet most people would find it too hard to just go. I say that because haven’t we all felt the urge at some point to do this, but how many actually ever do it? I would say most people don’t end up following through on their ambitious plans and dreams. Why not? Fear? The status quo bias aka inertia? People give in; they settle. The day to day becomes so consuming that the overall picture becomes less important. I wonder if the same will happen to me? Or maybe, its already happened? I can only hope not.. not just yet…